Patient Partner
From 1st May you will be able to book, change, or cancel appointments 24/7 using our new automated phone system. Just call our number and press option 1.
Non-urgent advice: Notice
Ring 999 for: chest pain, difficulty in breathing, unconsciousness, severe loss of blood, severe burns or scalds, choking, fitting or concussion, drowning, or a severe allergic reaction.
Nurse appointments
Our excellent and highly trained nursing team can help you with:
- Asthma reviews
- Blood sampling
- Blood pressure checks
- COPD reviews
- Diabetes reviews
- Hearing tests
- ECG tests
- Contractive pill / checks
- Depo Provera injection
- Contraceptive coil check
- Childhood immunisations
- Flu, MMR, Shingles, etc jabs
- Minor illnesses
- NHS Health Check
- Smear tests
- Spirometry
- Swabs
- Travel advice and vaccinations
- Weight management
- Wound care and suture removal
To book an appointment with a nurse, please contact us.
Please note, a nurse will not be able to perform any investigations (e.g. blood tests or ECG) without a prior appointment with a GP, unless those tests are part of your annual review.
If you have a positive pregnancy test result, then please book an initial telephone appointment with the midwife. You do not need to first see or speak to a GP or have your test confirmed before booking the appointment.
GP appointments
If you need to see or speak to a GP, there are several options:
Pre-bookable (routine / follow-up) Appointments
We offer bookable appointments up to 6 weeks in advance on weekday afternoons, Thursday mornings from 07:00-08:00, alternative Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 18:00-20:00. You can book an appointment online, at reception, or over the phone.
Online consultations
If you would like help or advice that isn’t urgent, please use our new Online Consultations. We will respond within 2 working days.
Video consults
We have recently introduced the ability to consult with us through video. The clinician, where appropriate, may ask if you would like to have a video consult. You will be sent a link to your mobile device to open up the video chat. Please note, you will require a modern mobile device for this to work.
Consultation recordings
As a large training practice we are training many different professionals all year round.
As part of training to become a GP, it is essential doctors develop high level consulting skills. We know that recording consultations with patients for the benefit of teaching with their trainers and other doctors in training is a vital part of this. On occasion this teaching will be held with GP educators and GP trainees outside the Practice organisation although at all times your data will be stored securely by the Practice only.
Some of our doctors therefore will regularly be recording consultations. Recordings can be made in a number of ways but the lawful basis for those consultations to be recorded and reviewed is consent.
When booking an appointment our administration staff will advise you if the doctor is scheduled to be recording that consultation. Staff will ask if you wish to consent to have your consultation recorded. You can accept or decline without any influence on the provision of that appointment.
This consent may be obtained via a text message, online consultation or via telephone and will be documented by the Practice.
Following the consultation our administration staff will contact you again via text or phone to check you are still in agreement with the recording being used for training purposes.
If you need urgent medical help, but it’s not life threatening, we have an on-call GP from 08:30 until 18:00. Please note, due to the nature of the appointments that an on-call GP deals with, your appointment time may run late. You will be asked for a brief summary of your medical problem so we can relay that to the on-call GP for them to prioritise which patients they see in order. To book an on-call GP appointment, either phone us or speak to reception.
GP Care Wakefield
If you want an appointment with a GP outside of the times we offer, you may be able to get one through GP Care Wakefield. You can access GP Care Wakefield by phoning our Practice number when our lines are closed and you will be automatically redirected to them.
What to do when we’re closed
If we’re closed and you need medical help that won’t wait until we’re open, please ring our phone number and you’ll be automatically transferred to either GP Care Wakefield or 111.